The curious human nature - always finding ways to innovate

We owe a lot to the human nature’s curiosity. Also in the history of medical treatments. Take a moment and think about medical treatments today compared to 40 years ago. It’s easy to take for granted how advanced our technology and knowledge is today. What seems painfully obvious now, would have been a groundbreaking way of thinking 40 years ago. So many lives are saved every single day who would have been lost back then.

Now take a moment and imagine what we can do 40 years into the future. We don’t know it yet, but in 40 years we can save lives who can’t be saved today. Exciting isn’t it?

The road to new knowledge and technology is often difficult with several roadblocks along the way. However, has a little challenge ever stopped the human race in the past? No, thankfully not! Curiosity has always driven us to explore new ideas, new paths, and new technology.

The BETTER Project is exploring a new path. A path of using AI and federated learning in the healthcare sector to research diseases, especially rare diseases with limited data available in each health institution. It takes resources to take a chance on a new idea and the funding from an EU Horizon project like BETTER makes it possible.

We are driven by human curiosity and the ambition to make a difference, let’s see where this project leads us to. We expect a BETTER future!

Better with the Patients: The Importance of Patient Involvement in Scientific Research

In recent years, the scientific community has increasingly recognized the importance of involving patients, their families, and patients’ associations in the projects we develop, especially in highly translational research where patients are at the core of our work. Engaging them allows us to understand their concerns and needs, ensuring that our projects or clinical protocols are better aligned with their real-life requirements, ultimately improving the success of scientific outcomes. Similarly, it is also essential to communicate and disseminate scientific results to them in a clear and simple way, for example, through workshops or conferences specifically designed for patients. These events help people feel more involved in projects and allow them to learn about their progress in detail, making science more transparent, accessible, and understandable at all levels of society.

For these reasons, in our BETTER project, communicating and disseminating the project and its results at all levels is one of the main pillars. In line with this, Dr. Gema García (leader of Use Case 2, focused on Inherited Retinal Dystrophies) was invited to participate in the International Retina Murcia Congress held in October 2024. The Retina Murcia Congress is organized by the patient association Retina Murcia (RETIMUR), began in 2013 as regional sessions and evolved into an international congress in 2018. This event brings together patients, researchers, and students to address advancements in the diagnosis, treatment, and research of visual diseases. Gema participated in a roundtable discussion to emphasize the importance of European funding to advance research on rare diseases, particularly retinal diseases, and to explain the main objectives of the BETTER project to the participants.

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New year, still BETTER

We are getting back into work after a well deserved holiday.

In 2024 we got the BETTER Project off to a great start, both on the technical side and the communication side.
  • Technical progress: The PADME software has been deployed among partners and the next step is to have it deployed at the clinical sites. A lot of work has also gone into data FAIRication and data handling, in order to work across institutions and have the same data structure regarding the same research topic.
  • Webinars: We have hosted our first webinars to explore the subjects of federated learning and researching rare diseases. Events & Conferences: We have been to several events and conferences, which has lead us to new insights and exciting collaborations.

With such a great year in 2024, our goals for 2025 is first and foremost to continue what we have successfully started, and then we keep on keeping on!

  • We have plenty of exciting techical developments planned for 2025: Our Use Case workshop at Terrassa in November was a great success and allowed us to plan our next technical steps in-person. In 2025 we are focusing on practical results moving the project from theory into practice!
  • And we also have more dissemination and communications activities in the pipe line: Webinars, academic papers, work shops, and events.

It’s both productive and rewarding to work together with so many different people across country borders and expertises! We are appreciative for the EU HORIZON projects for giving us this opportunity!

All in all, 2024 was a great and productive year, and we believe that 2025 will be even better!

Interview with Matteo Bregonzio

Leader of work package 1 and 2 and our project coordinator, with a computer science background, now the CTO at Datrix. Matteo Bregonzio is an important part of the BETTER Project with his knowledge and experience.

Watch his interview to hear more about Matteo’s role, his motivation and expectations for the BETTER project.

Interview with Stratos Arampatzis

Tech provider with a background as a biologist, and now director at the AI and IT development company Noosware. Stratos Arampatzis is an important part of the BETTER Project with both his own knowledge and experience along with the rest of the team at Noosware.

Watch his interview to hear more about Stratos’s role, his motivation and expectations for the BETTER project.

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Funded by the EU

The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101136262. The communication reflects only the author's view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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