The curious human nature - always finding ways to innovate

We owe a lot to the human nature’s curiosity. Also in the history of medical treatments. Take a moment and think about medical treatments today compared to 40 years ago. It’s easy to take for granted how advanced our technology and knowledge is today. What seems painfully obvious now, would have been a groundbreaking way of thinking 40 years ago. So many lives are saved every single day who would have been lost back then.

Now take a moment and imagine what we can do 40 years into the future. We don’t know it yet, but in 40 years we can save lives who can’t be saved today. Exciting isn’t it?

The road to new knowledge and technology is often difficult with several roadblocks along the way. However, has a little challenge ever stopped the human race in the past? No, thankfully not! Curiosity has always driven us to explore new ideas, new paths, and new technology.

The BETTER Project is exploring a new path. A path of using AI and federated learning in the healthcare sector to research diseases, especially rare diseases with limited data available in each health institution. It takes resources to take a chance on a new idea and the funding from an EU Horizon project like BETTER makes it possible.

We are driven by human curiosity and the ambition to make a difference, let’s see where this project leads us to. We expect a BETTER future!

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Funded by the EU

The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101136262. The communication reflects only the author's view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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