Data matters

What is science without data? Not true science, that’s for sure!
Data can be so many different things and can be collected in many different ways, by observation, by testing, by interviewing, and by experimenting just to name a few. Obviously, larger amounts of data gives more accurate results, which is why the BETTER project has the ambition to gather data from across international borders. This is especially important in the cases of researching rare diseases, because the rareness provides limited data gathered in each hospital. Data is both important and valuable and must be protected. We don’t want sensitive data being stolen and sold ending up falling into the wrong hands. On the other hand, some transparency and data sharing can benefit further research, if the right security measures are in place.

Like any other scientific project, BETTER is built on data. Being not just a healthcare research project, but also a project in data science and artificial intelligence. The BETTER Project is nothing but data! Psychology data, biology data down to DNA level, data science, cybersecurity, and artificial intelligence. Due to the scientific nature of BETTER and the wish for transparency, we have updated our website and added a new tab on our website for technical documentation. Which will be updated gradually during the project with non-sensitive data. The sensitive data will be kept under lock and key!

1st SHIFT-HUB event becomes BETTER

On Friday 1st March, our coordinator, Matteo Bregonzio, Chief Technology Officer, DATRIX (Italy) will be speaking at the 1st SHIFTHUB International Brokerage Event in HEALTH Innovation about our BETTER project. We are excited to hear and see it!

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Funded by the EU

The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101136262. The communication reflects only the author's view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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