About motivation

Motivated people always find a way. Unmotivated people always find a way not to.” - Ed Latimore

When you are motivated about something the work seems easier, because you enjoy the work or the results are important to you. And motivation is one of the themes in a series of interviews back from the BETTER project meeting in Stresa in April.

In the interview you get to meet the actual experts doing the hard work, not just media trained marketing people, and hear them talk about what motivates them to be in this project. Raw and unfiltered, as most interviews were done in one single take without a lot of preparation time.

A reoccurring answer is the urge to help people. They want to make lives better. To save lives! Another repeated answer is the excitement and fascination of developing new technology. The motivated is driven by internal factors, by the work itself and the end goal of doing good in the world.

The BETTER project consists of a whole team of motivated experts working together towards the same goal. Respect each others’ expertise and how they can work together. That’s the beauty of these international EU projects, they bring together the right people. And the results? They can benefit us all.

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Funded by the EU

The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101136262. The communication reflects only the author's view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.

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